Dear Exchange Students,
Wow! What a wonderful trip! We would like to thank everyone for making all the moments special during these 23 days we spent together! We really hope you had an amazing adventure! The journey has come to an end, but the memories and new friends are forever! Hope see you guys in any other of our future trips (South American Adventure and Amazon)! Thanks also to our coordination, drivers and chaperones!
See you soon!
Terra Brasil Turismo.
The Northeast January 2013 trip is getting on its end! On Jan 30th, exchange students will ends the trip in São Paulo! Below, you'll find the contact phones os the responsible for the different points of disembark:
- SÃO PAULO (GUARULHOS AND CONGONHAS AISPORTS AND BARRA FUNDA BUS STATION) – Nina Mendes: 31 8529-0811 / Nilson Castro: 31 9191-5622
- SÃO PAULO (GUARULHOS AIRPORT AND TIETÊ BUS STATION) – Desirée Gonçalves: 31 8543-2783 / Liza Rodrigues: 19 8102-1111
- General Information – Débora Labarrère (Coordinator): 31 9191-1431
terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2013
sexta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2013
AMAZON 2013 - Open Reservations!
Do you know...
...Amazon river throws more water at Atlantic Oceon in one day than Thames river does in one year?
...Amazon has at least half of the birds species known in the world?
...there are still indian tribes inside Amazon that still didn't have contact with citizens of the world?
...the biggest fish of freshwater (Pirarucu) lives in Amazon and it can measure as far as 2,5 meters?
Join Terra Brasil Turismo on this trip and discover other stories about Amazon that you can't imagine!
...Amazon river throws more water at Atlantic Oceon in one day than Thames river does in one year?
...Amazon has at least half of the birds species known in the world?
...the biggest fish of freshwater (Pirarucu) lives in Amazon and it can measure as far as 2,5 meters?
Join Terra Brasil Turismo on this trip and discover other stories about Amazon that you can't imagine!
terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2013
South American Adventure 2013
Do you know...
...Iguaçu means 'big water' in tupi-guarani language?
...the Iguaçu Falls were discovered by accident by a navigator?
...the Iguaçu Falls are formed by a group of 275 falls?
Do you know...
...the meaning of Argentina in latin means 'prata' - silver?
...the most popular dance in Argentina, the tango was created by the afro-americans in the region?
...most of Iguaçu falls are located in Argentina (while the biggest falls are in Brazil)?
...the bus and the ballpoint pen were Argentina invetions?
Come discover other amazing stories about Foz do Iguaçu, South of Brazil and Uruguay/Argentina!
Open reservations!
Join us at
segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2013
Northeast January 2013 (4760) in Brasília!
Tivemos a companhia do João do
Paletó, um guia local que nos acompanhou durante todo o dia, contando um pouco
para nós de cada pedaço desta cidade que foi planejada.
Nossa primeira parada foi na Catedral de Brasília, um local muito bonito com uma arquitetura bem diferente.
Logo após, fomos ao Congresso
Nacional, local onde, Deputados e Senadores do Brasil se reúnem para aprovar as
Passamos na frente da Praça dos
Três Poderes e no Palácio da Alvorada, residência da nossa Presidente e após, fizemos
uma pausa para almoçar. Mais um almoço delicioso.
Também visitamos o Memorial de
Juscelino Kubitscheck, local onde foi remontada sua residência e onde ficam
seus restos mortais.
Para finalizar nosso dia, um
passeio ao shopping para comer, trocar e retirar dinheiro. Agora já estamos no
hotel e amanhã partimos para Lençóis.
Luciana Maria Soares
Coordenadora de Viagens/Inbounds
Terra Brasil Turismo
We had the company of João do Paletó , a local guide who accompanied us throughout the
day telling us a little of each place of this city that was planned city.
Our first stop was the Cathedral of Brasilia, a
beautiful place with a very different architecture.
After, we went to the National Congress, where
Congressman and Senators from Brazil meet to approve the Brazilian laws.
We also pass in front of the “Praça dos Três Poderes” and at the “Palácio da Alvorada”, residence of our President and after we took
a break for lunch. Again, a delicious lunch.
After lunch we headed to the “Santuário Dom Bosco”. A very beautiful
church with blue glasses windows that reflects the blue color to all its inside.
We also visited the “Memorial Juscelino Kubitschek”, where it was reassembled his
residence and where his remains are.
To end our day, a trip to the mall to eat,
exchange and withdraw money. Now we are at the hotel and tomorrow we leave for
Luciana Maria Soares
Coordenadora de Viagens/Inbounds
Terra Brasil Turismo
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