NORTHEAST JANUARY 2012 (4760) - On the other trip, exchange students also visited Recife, but now, they're in Natal where today, they will take an exciting buggy ride through the famous dunes of Genipabu and at night, a typical Luau!

NORTHEAST JANUARY 2012 (4760) - This group on the other side was at Praia do Forte in Bahia, where they visited the TAMAR Project and spent some free time at the beaches! Now in Recife, today is the day to go on for a city tour in Olinda!

NORTHEAST JANUARY 2012 (4760) - At Praia do Forte (Bahia), this morning was the time to visit the famous TAMAR Project in help of the sea turtles species! Free time at the beach in the afternoon.

NORTHEAST JANUARY 2012 (4760) - Check the photos of the trip! So far: General Orientation, Forro Classes and tour at the capital Brasília! Today, exchange students are heading to Chapada Diamantina (making a quick stop for overnight at Ibotirama).

NORTHEAST JANUARY 2012 (4760) - Has just started! Exchange students are now having their General Orientation!