NORTHEAST JANUARY 2012 - Once in Natal, exchange students paid a visit on the world's biggest cashew tree! It was also the time to experience an awesome buggy ride through the dunes of Natal! Today, they're heading to Recife!

NORTHEAST JANUARY 2012 - After a boat ride and swimming in the natural pools of Pajuçara in Maceió, exchange students are heading to Natal, at the corner of Brazil! More beaches and fun ahead...

NORTHEAST JANUARY 2012 - After awesome days at Chapada Diamantina, enjoying activities such as zip lines, natural slides and swimming, exchange students will say goodbye to this city, heading to Maceió today - the first beach city of the tour!

NORTHEAST JANUARY 2012 - Exchange students are in Lençóis (Chapada Diamantina) having a great time on the zip lines of Pratinha Farm and visiting the outstanding Pai Inácio's Hill!

NORTHEAST JANUARY 2012 - The trip has started! First, the 100 exchange students had the General Orientation where it was presented all the rules of the trip! Then, a 'forro' class and teh first tours - Brasília!

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